• Introducing Sentora - The open-source web hosting control panel!

    Sentora is based on the solid foundations of ZPanel and developed by the original team, Sentora provides a robust open-source web hosting control panel for small to medium ISPs.

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  • Community and 'Premium' supported

    Although the software is 'open-source' and we provide a community support forum, our team provide a premium support service enabling you to receive faster responses and resolution times.

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  • Extend as you grow...

    Sentora provides the most common control panel features 'out of the box' but when you need more head over to our 'add-ons store' and download third-party modules, translations and even theme sets!

    Coming soon!
  • Developed with love!

    Sentora is developed by a small team of guys, lead by Tom, Pascal and Sam. With help from the Support Staff and Community, they contribute their spare time in developing and improving the software as well as maintaining the site, forums and servers.

    Meet the team

Simplified management

Sentora is designed to simplify web hosting management, it gives your clients the ability to quickly and easily manage their web hosting.


We provide both community-based (free) and subscription-based premium support services to cater for both personal and commercial users!


Our Add-ons store provides our users with a central repository to install, rate, sell and publish modules, themes and localisations.


Released under the GPLv3, Sentora is the perfect choice for the most small to medium ISPs looking for a cost effective, extendable platform.

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