
Before installing please consider donating, the project relies on the kind donations from our users!

Latest stable release v2.0.2

You will find complete installation intructions in the documentation.

The latest stable release is available to view at our GitHub repository.
!Important! : it is not advised to install from the archive file, please use the installer provided for your operating system.

Latest development snapshot

Please be aware that development snapshots should only be used for development and testing purposes, they are not recommended for production environments!

The requirements for a development server can be found HERE.

The latest development version is available to view at GitHub.
!Important! : it is not advised to install from archive file, please use the installer provided for your operating system.

You will find complete development installation intructions in the developer's documentation.

You can download the latest development snapshot as a tar.gz or as a zip file, these files are served up from our git repository kindly hosted over at GitHub.

Latest development snapshot (.tar.gz format)
Latest development snapshot (.zip format)

If you wish to clone our git repository, you can do so using the following command:

git clone sentora-core

Alternatively you can fork our repository if you have a GitHub account!

Archived releases

If you require to install a previous stable version of Sentora you can browse and download it from our GitHub repository.